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罗兰 (法国国家科学研究院研究主任 里昂高等师范大学教授)(唁电)


陆学艺教授的突然去世使我们深感伤心。我最深切的同情。他是一个如此伟大的中国知识分子形象。他对1979年以来社会学的重建和发展做了太多的工作。 我们都知道他对中国社会学的贡献之大,尤其是关于当代中国社会分层和中国现代化进程。

罗兰(Laurence Roulleau-Berger)



Dear Colleagues,
We are deeply very sad Professor Lu Xueyi passed away so suddenly.

My deepest sympathy.

He was a so great Chinese intellectual figure.

He has done so much in the recreation and the development in sociology after 1979,

we all know his contribution to Chinese sociology was major,

especially about the social stratification in contemporary Chine and China's modernization process.
Best wishes,
Luo Lan

Professor Laurence Roulleau-Berger, Research Director at CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research), Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon