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  “Social Pathology”: Social Philosophy as Seen by Axel HonnethWang Fengcai·15·The theory of recognition is the core of Axel Honneth’s political and moral philosophy. This theory is premised upon elucidating the necessity of critical theory’s “turn to the theory of recognition,” which in turn has as a prerequisite reflection on and reconstruction of social philosophy. After examing its tradition and current state, Honneth defines social philosophy as “social pathology” in the sense of criticizing the paradoxes of modernity; it is only in this sense, he further argues, that Rousseau should be regarded as “the founder of social philosophy.” As “social pathology,” social philosophy was not genuinely established until the nineteenth century with the contributions of Hegel, Marx and Nietzsche. The development of social philosophy in the twentieth century from Lukacs to Adorno and Plessner to Arendt is in effect a process witnessing the alternate rise and fall of historical philosophy and the anthropological approach. The latter’s challenge to the former is inherent in this process. However, the future development of social philosophy does not, as Honneth declared, “completely rely on the conception of formal ethics.”